
Tents / Belts / Buckles / Carrying Gear / Bags

Tents / Belts / Buckles / Carrying Gear / Bags

Here you find e.g. tent quarters, leather belts, belt buckles, Carrying gear and bags of the Wehrmacht.

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WH metal tent peg

Product no.: 190318

3.90 *
In stock

WH Y-sling, stamped

Product no.: 190457

29.90 *
Still in stock

WH like DAK Y-sling

Product no.: 190488

18.90 *
In stock

WH tent peg, Bak.

Product no.: 190317

3.90 *
In stock

Tent pole as WH

Product no.: 190319

1.90 *
Old price 2.90 €

WH 10x tent quarter knob

Product no.: 190545

3.50 *

WH leather belt

Product no.: 190123

15.90 *
In stock

WH LW leather belt

Product no.: 190455

19.90 *

WH trousers belt

Product no.: 190107

6.90 *
Old price 11.90 €

WH Belt officer, brown

Product no.: 190216

19.90 *

WH DAK belt

Product no.: 190026

12.90 *

WH belt hook

Product no.: 190121

1.90 *

Leather Belt "Reichswehr", black

Product no.: 190460

17.90 *
In stock

WH officers parade belt

14.90 *
Old price 24.90 €

Buckle Prussia "Gott mit uns",

Product no.: 180008

10.90 *
In stock

Buckle "Gott mit uns", Reichswehr

Product no.: 180004

10.90 *

Buckle Württemberg "Furchtlos und Trew"

Product no.: 180005

10.90 *
In stock

WH Suspenders, mint

Product no.: 190750

8.90 *
Still in stock

WH Suspenders replacement leather

Product no.: 190751

3.90 *
Old price 6.90 €
Still in stock

WH-like Suspenders

Product no.: 190375

4.90 *
In stock

WH Y-sling, special sale

Product no.: 190747

19.90 *
In stock

WH A-frame

Product no.: 190484

29.90 *
In stock

WH Luftwaffe like Rucksack (Zivilsch.)

Product no.: 190763

39.90 *

WH like gas plane

Product no.: 190587

6.90 *

WH Y-sling

Product no.: 190312

19.90 *

WH Affe, Tornister 34

Product no.: 190770

99.90 *

Buckle Prussia "God with us" golden

Product no.: 1800041

12.90 *
Old price 15.90 €
In stock

WH tent quarter splinter camo, reversible, Sturm

Product no.: 1900351

62.90 *
In stock

WH Suspenders

Product no.: 1907509

6.90 *
Still in stock
Price incl. VAT, plus delivery.
Due to the EU VAT reform of July 1st, 2021, the VAT rate of the respective country will be charged at the end of the ordering process.