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Navy revolver USA manufactured by S. Colt, silver, 1851 #1083GProduct no.: 2011059.90 € *
Old price
49.90 €
Rifle "73" manufactured by Winchester, caliber 44-40, USA 1873 #1253/GProduct no.: 20054159.90 € *
Old price
179.90 €
Rifle "73" manufactured by Winchester, caliber 44-40, USA 1873 #1253LProduct no.: 20055119.90 € *
Old price
139.00 €
Navy revolver USA manufactured by S. Colt, black, 1851 #1083LProduct no.: 2011174.90 € * |
Cast metal double-barreled pistol, USA 1868 # 1114Product no.: 2005699.90 € *
Old price
129.90 €
Peacemaker .45 Cavalry Revolver Colt USA, 1873 replica #1191NQProduct no.: 2011659.90 € * |
Wall bracket decoration cartridge for weapon, extendable #34Product no.: 21046814.90 € * |
Winchester Carbine Mod .66, cast metal replica, grey #1140GProduct no.: 20044179.90 € *
Old price
199.90 €