
WWII Uniforms / Field Gear Allies

WWII Uniforms / Field Gear Allies

WWII uniform / field gear / decals of the US Army, the Red Army and the Royal Army. To search for the articels please click on the categories you see displayed below.

US Uniforms

US Uniforms

US Army WWII uniforms and boots.

US Gear

US Gear

US Army WWII field gear

US Decals / Other

US Decals / Other

US Army WWII decals and others
Russian Uniforms

Russian Uniforms

Red Army WWII uniforms and boots
Russian Field Gear

Russian Field Gear

Red Army WWII field gear
Russian Decals / Other

Russian Decals / Other

Red Army WWII decals and others
British Uniforms / Field Gear / Decals

British Uniforms / Field Gear / Decals

Royal Army WWII uniforms, field gear and decals.

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1 - 60 of 110 results

US M1 Carbine bayonet with scabbard

Product no.: 130263

23.90 *

US bandage pouch

Product no.: 200054

6.90 *
In stock

US axt carrier

Product no.: 200268

8.90 *

US WWII OD Green Jeep Hat

Product no.: 91347

9.90 *
In stock

US shoulder M7 holster for Colt 1911

Product no.: 130087

24.90 *
In stock

British helmet net for paratrooper steel helmet

Product no.: 1700211

12.90 *
In stock

Oiler M1 Carbine

Product no.: 130237

4.90 *
In stock

Bulg. Dinnerware, 2 pieces, original used

Product no.: 2000291

7.90 *
In stock

US field bottle (Sturm)

Product no.: 200065

11.90 *
In stock

US folding shovel M43, original WWII

Product no.: 200279

89.90 *
Still in stock

US belt M36 original WWII olive OD-7

Product no.: 2001171

49.90 *
In stock

US dog tag set WW2 with silencers

Product no.: 200205

3.40 *

PPS43 mag pouches

Product no.: 130080

9.90 *
In stock

Polnish field dishes original used

Product no.: 2000294

16.90 *
In stock

Chin strap for Brodie helmet

Product no.: 2001072

9.90 *
Still in stock

I british field dishes

Product no.: 200020

10.90 *
In stock

US OD BDU combat belt 30mm

Product no.: 1300411

9.90 *
In stock

German field dishes WWI original

Product no.: 2000297

In stock

US scabbard M8A1

Product no.: 200133

19.90 *
In stock

US belt M36, Repro

Product no.: 130041

14.90 *
In stock

US dog tag set WW2

Product no.: 200061

3.90 *
In stock

Combat knife USMC made of steel with leather sheath

Product no.: 260273

29.90 *
In stock

US musette bag M36 original

Product no.: 2000491

72.90 *
In stock

US Thompson screwdriver

Product no.: 130146

29.90 *
In stock

US M1 Garand bayonet, short

Product no.: 130055

25.90 *
Still in stock

US field cutlerie stainless steel

Product no.: 200064

9.90 *
Still in stock

Holl. Dinnerware 2 pieces, original used. - steel

Product no.: 20002920

8.90 *
In stock

Thompson 1928/ M1/ M1A1 oiler, org., new generation

Product no.: 91099

29.90 *
In stock

PPSH41 drum mag pouch, early postwar

Product no.: 130069

14.90 *
Still in stock

Scabbard M1 Carbine A1 Airborne

Product no.: 130057

22.90 *
In stock

Holl. Dinnerware 2 pieces, original used. - aluminum

Product no.: 2000292

7.90 *
In stock

Polish flare gun pouch

Product no.: 91123

16.90 *
Still in stock

Czech field dishes 3 pieces, original used.

Product no.: 2000295

16.90 *
In stock

Thompson US WWII cleaning rod

Product no.: 91100

44.90 *
In stock

I Brit. field bottle M37

Product no.: 260820

39.90 *
In stock

KRAD / Aviation Googles, Black

Product no.: 190498

24.90 *
In stock

STEN mag pouch for 4 mags

Product no.: 91118

14.90 *
In stock

US musette bag M36

Product no.: 200049

21.90 *
Still in stock

US field dishes

Product no.: 200111

19.90 *
In stock

US Cricket Clicker

Product no.: 200265

5.90 *
In stock

US M6 scabbard for M3 knife

Product no.: 200131

19.90 *
Still in stock

Thompson US WWII WKII M1/ M1A1 hand guard ring

Product no.: 91102

29.90 *
In stock

WWII Red Army Schaschka with bayonet aged

Product no.: 200036

149.90 *
In stock

Cleaning rod Thompson original

Product no.: 130072

44.90 *
In stock

Thompson US WWII receiver brush

Product no.: 91101

45.90 *
In stock

RPG7 and RPG2 ammunition carrying bag

Product no.: 91117

39.90 *
In stock

Thompson 1928/ 1928A1 locking block

Product no.: 91203

68.90 *
Still in stock

US axt

Product no.: 200055

15.90 *
In stock

US field bottle liner M10

Product no.: 200043

11.90 *

Brit. M1937 field belt, WWII

Product no.: 90358

19.90 *
Still in stock

US shovel M10 - green

Product no.: 200073

24.90 *

US tankers jacket

Product no.: 200125

90.30 *
In stock

US service boots rough out

Product no.: 200136

113.90 *
In stock

US field pants M37

Product no.: 200069

69.90 *
In stock

US para gloves L

22.90 *
In stock

US Service Shoe Sole Russet

Product no.: 200141

109.90 *
In stock

US field jacket M43

Product no.: 200072

79.90 *
In stock

US para suite M42, reenforced

Product no.: 200063

107.90 *
In stock
Price incl. VAT, plus delivery.
Due to the EU VAT reform of July 1st, 2021, the VAT rate of the respective country will be charged at the end of the ordering process.
1 - 60 of 110 results