P08 leather sling

Product no.: 130178

Still in stock

Price incl. VAT, plus delivery.
Due to the EU VAT reform of July 1st, 2021, the VAT rate of the respective country will be charged at the end of the ordering process.

Customer ratings for P08 leather sling

Number of ratings: 2
Average rating: 5
Perfect. Thanks
from on 13/09/2015
Sehr gut hergestelltes Replikat!
from on 09/02/2014
Der Fangriemen steht dem Original in nichts nach. Er ist lang genug um die Waffe mit Fangriemen handhaben zu können. Sehr gute Lederqualität!

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Price incl. VAT, plus delivery.
Due to the EU VAT reform of July 1st, 2021, the VAT rate of the respective country will be charged at the end of the ordering process.

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