Customer ratings for WH Collar braiding, 1m

WH Collar braiding, 1m
Product no.: 190129
Old price 3.90 €
Price incl. VAT, plus delivery.
Due to the EU VAT reform of July 1st, 2021, the VAT rate of the respective country will be charged at the end of the ordering process.

Collar braiding Wehrmacht Uffz. (Unteroffizier). Post-war army production. Unissued. You get 1 Meter.

Still in stock

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Number of ratings: 6
Average rating: 4.8
from Anonymous on 21/01/2015
shines good, still have to sew it tho :)
TOP !!!
from Anonymous on 24/11/2014
the best i ever see for this price,a price beyond competition.
I never saw better quality THANKS!!!
from Anonymous on 14/11/2014
Die Kragenlitze ist einfach nur super-authentisch! Vom Original nicht zu unterscheiden! Der Alu- Faden machts möglich. Super Effekt!
Top Repro!
from Anonymous on 31/01/2014
from Anonymous on 30/01/2014
Tolles Produkt, echter Aluminiumfaden!
from Anonymous on 24/01/2014

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